Welcome to the St. Petersburg Hash House Harriers!

Check us out on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/stpetehashhouseharriers/

Say Wha?!

The Hash House Harriers (abbreviated HHH, H3, or referred to simply as Hashing) is an international group of non-competitive running, social and drinking clubs. An event organized by a club is known as a Hash or Hash Run, with participants calling themselves Hashers. Variously described as “the lunatic fringe of running” and “the drinking club with a running problem,” the Hash House Harriers are a worldwide group with some 350 chapters in the United States and 1700 around the world.

The premise is simple – one Harrier (the Hare) lays a trail of flour or chalk over a course (s)he chooses. The other Harriers (the Hounds) try to follow that trail to the end where we enjoy munchies and beer (or soft drinks for those disinclined to imbibe).

The typical Hash is 3-5 miles over hill and dale, through suburbs, woods, malls, et al. The Hash isn’t a race – there are no prizes to the swift. Following the trail is the challenge, camaraderie and beverages are the rewards.

The first Rule of Hashing is there are NO rules in Hashing, so nothing set forth herein is set in stone. No two Hashes are alike – they all have their own traditions and peculiarities – and in that uniqueness lies one of the great beauties of the Hash!

A special thanks to “Humper”, who first began hashing with the Wednesday Australian Capital Territory (WACT) kennel in Canberra Australia in 1994.  He has since been a semi-regular with the Humpin’ kennel in Oceanside, CA and our fellow L.U.S.H kennels Tampa and Jolly Roger in Tampa Bay, Florida.  He is now a “Hasher at Large”, so you never know where he may turn up!

Humper. BEER SOUP FOR THE HASHER’S SOLES: The Hash House Harrier Guidebook.  S&B Publishing. Kindle Edition.